How I Survived Science Foundation
May 3, 2018 | 1 comments

I was actually a science foundation student at UiTM Dengkil (2017/2018 session). Hehe tak pernah cerita kan. Well 4 tahun private blog, what do you expect? 😂 Huahua. So basically we have 2 semesters here. These are the subjects for 1st semester (Foundation in Science) :

BIO091 - Foundation Biology I
CHM092 - Foundation Chemistry I
CTU085 - Islamic World View
ELC080 - English For Foundation Studies I
MAT093 - Foundation Mathematics I
PHY094 - Foundation Physics I

And below are the subjects for 2nd semester :

BIO095 - Foundation Biology II
CHM096 - Foundation Chemistry II
CTU087 - Islamic and Science
ELC081 - English For Foundation Studies II
MAT097 - Foundation Mathematics II For Scientists
PHY098 - Foundation Physics II

Not too much aite? 😉 Each semester ada 6 subjects. For the final score of each subject, it depends 50% on coursework and another 50% on final exam. I don't know about the next batch, tapi batch kitorang waktu sem 2 subject ELC takde final exam. 100% purely counts on assessment. Tapi dia divide pulak lah percent for each coursework tu. Ada evaluative commentary, reading skills project, reflective log and group discussion. Hehe you'll know 'bout that later in sem 2.

Okay so for the result, akan ada 2 result. Satu result UiTM, satu result UPU. One thing I am grateful the most for being in asasi UiTM is that kita boleh apply UPU sekali lagi after foundation. Which means eventho korang tak dapat asasi dekat universiti2 like UKM, UPM or UM, you still have the chance to pursue your degree there. But of course lah, kena score sebab yang apply UPU ni bukan asasi UiTM je. You have to compete dengan student asasi UM, matrikulasi, STPM, diploma and even student asasi universiti tu sendiri 😅

Untuk pengiraan gpa result UiTM, dia akan ambik kira semua keenam-enam subjek, tapi result UPU dia cuma ambik kira subjek Mathematics + highest 2 Science subjects (Biology / Chemistry / Physics). Sem 1 pun ada result UPU tau. Tapi last sekali for cgpa dia akan ambik average marks for each subject. Purata markah okey bukan purata gpa. I used to think "kalau sem 1 tak dapat gpa 4.0 for UPU confirm la cgpa pun takkan dapat 4.0" bcs I thought pengiraan dia (gpa sem 1 + gpa sem 2) divided by 2 tapi rupanya setiap subjek tu dia akan ambik markah purata balik. An example I got from Syakier Salleh's blog :

Misal kata masa sem 1 Biology dapat 69, B+ dan masa final sem 2 dapatlah score Biology 87%. Hasil tambah markah sem 1 dan 2 tadi ialah 156 dan dibahagi dua untuk purata dapatlah 78%, A.

So sebenarnya ada harapan lagi untuk score 4.0 UPU eventho waktu sem 1 tak dapat. Okey? Don't lose hope! Apa-apapun, yakin dengan Allah tu penting. Serius cakap. Sebab kadang, disebabkan kita tak bersangka baik dengan Allah menjadi asbab kita stress dan serabut. Yakin yang Allah akan bagi yang terbaik untuk kita. Selalulah doa supaya tenang hati untuk terima pemberian Allah dan bersyukur walaupun tak dapat apa kita nak sebab Allah dah sebut dalam Surah Al-Baqarah, "Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu padahal ia baik bagimu tetapi boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." Believe me, at the end of the day, Dialah sebaik-baik perancang 😉

Tujuan post ni sebenarnya nk share tips study je tapi mukaddimah kemain panjang. Hehe sorry not sorry. Just sharing some of the things that I do during my foundation studies. Hope it would give inspiration to someone out there ;)

1. Susun kerja yang perlu dibuat mengikut priority

- For the record, I am not the type of person yang suka ikut jadual. Selama ni tengok tips2 pelajar cemerlang semua buat jadual kan. Huhu but I've tried and it doesn't work on me bcs I easily got bored, so a fixed timetable is not really my thing (melainkan waktu2 lecture yang dah ditetapkan oleh pihak asasi lah. Yang tu terpaksalah ikut takkan nk buat jadual sendiri pulak kan)

- Good news for student UiTM Dengkil, each student will be provided with a study desk, a white board and a notice board. Seboleh-bolehnya use wisely lah white board & notice board tu. As for me, I use the whiteboard untuk tulis kerja2 yang ada mengikut hari. Contoh :

- Lab Report Bio
- Tuto W11 Chem
- Speaking Test ELC
- Presentation CTU
- Exercise Math
- Tuto 12 Phy
- Jotter Chem
- Lab Report Chem

Haa like that :P This is just a tips from me though, my own way of arranging my work hehe. You can use it or improve it if you want ;)

2. Plan your work & set time

- Lepas dah susun tu, plan kerja mana nak buat dulu. Usually I write all these things hari Jumaat before weekend tu. Weekend 2 hari kan so I'll divide the tasks by half. Contoh macam kat atas tu, total ada 8 tasks. So I'll do 4 of it on Saturday and another 4 on Sunday.

- Dah plan kerja mana nak buat, set time pukul berapa each of it wajib siap. I prefer to start doing my homework in the morning. That's why bangun Subuh tu penting okey 😜 Mesti pernah dengar kan "pagi-pagi otak segar". Well it is true indeed. From my experience, I tend to finish my work earlier kalau start buat kerja pagi-pagi. Hehe you should try!!

- I usually do the tasks ikut susunan priority tapi kadang ada je I chose to do yang senang2 dulu, yang susah buat hari Ahad (I don't really prefer this actually). Most of the time I'll divide for each day. Contoh kerja yang susah ada 3, so harini buat 2 senang 2 susah, esok buat 3 senang 1 susah. Hahaha lawak apa ajar satu2 macam la korang tak pandai fikir sendiri 😆

3. Siapkan tutorial

- Tutorial is one of the most crucial thing to do in asasi selain fokus dalam kelas waktu lecturer mengajar. Well the reason why it is so important mestilah sebab dia akan tingkatkan lagi kefahaman kita instead of just dengarrrr je apa lecturer cakap dalam kelas kan. I know you may've heard about this so many times but honestly, IT IS TRUEEE! I don't know how else to convince you but trust me, you won't regret ever finishing all the tutorials. You won't fully understand if you depend only on the lecture & giving no effort to do the exercises. Serius tak tipu.

- One more thing that I love about tutorial is that, sebelum test / quiz I can just easily go through it. Tengok balik macam mana jalan kira soalan ni, tengok balik formula2 yang diguna, how to describe this thing and that thing, how to explain the process and blablabla. Because in UiTM Dengkil (and most asasi I guess), test / quiz dibuat pada hari yang ada lecture. Meaning that they do not specified a day or a week khas untuk test / quiz macam final exam. Quite a pack schedule you see? That is why in the last minute, I prefer to go through the tutorial sebab yelah last minute kan, baca lecture notes pun tak masuk huhuhu.

4. Buat nota (especially Biology)

- Setiap orang ada diorang punya style nota masing2 kan? Ada yang suka buat nota secara ayat, ada yang suka mind map, ada yang suka campur2. Well it doesn't really matter bcs your notes are for YOU to understand. No one's ever gonna study with yours. No lecturers' gonna check your notes. Malas sangat pun, conteng guna pensel pun jadilah. Hehe that's what I do when I was in a rush.

- Btw I have visual learning style, so my notes are mostly in the form of mind map especially Biology (you should know what's your learning style!). As for Chemistry & Physics, I didn't have time to make my own notes so I'm taking the initiative to jot down any additional things onto the lecture notes. See? You don't have to worry too much if you don't make notes for each subject actually. If you still can go on without the notes then it's fine! But if not.. Hehe you know what to do aite?

5. Susun elok-elok semua nota

- Being perfectionist is not a bad thing you know. Yang jadi masalah bila terlalu over sampai tahap orang sentuh barang sikit pun nak marah. Sekarang ni dah tahu we'll be learning 6 subjects, ha sediakan la 6 file untuk letak nota. Senang nanti nak study Physics, cari file Physics. Warning : You'll have a lot of lecture notes especially for Science subjects. So belilah file yang berpatutan saiz ya. Tak perlu pun macam file Alba yang hitam tu, just medium size like this pun okey 👇

- For tutorial, you will not be given any exercise book (except for Biology you'll have a workbook). Korang akan dapat soalan je. Some of the students guna foolscap paper and then compile. But I prefer guna buku. As I said before I like to go through the tutorial before test / quiz so senang sikit nak belek-belek. Oh satu lagi pesanan penaja, kalau buat tutorial tu better include sekali la dengan soalan. Nanti macamana nak study kalau ada jawapan je takde soalan, right? Kalau malas nak salin, pergi print pastu tampal. Kedai print belambak kat anjung tu. Nak bawak printer sendiri lagi bagus hehe.

- Kalau boleh selain jaga kekemasan nota tu, jagalah juga kekemasan DAN kebersihan meja study, katil, locker apa semua lah. Kita hidup kat asrama dengan orang lain kan, jangan la nak sepah-sepah macam rumah sendiri 😕 For me, mood study tu kadang tak datang sebab meja study serabut tau. Haha. So setiap kali balik dari kelas tu, terus susun balik semua buku dan file dekat kabinet. Tangguh-tangguh konon nak kemas nanti kadang tak jalan. Percayalah hahaha.

6. Tampal formula

- For test / quiz, you will not be provided with formulas (except for Physics' test) so what can you do? Tampal la formula2 dekat notice board ke, dekat dinding tepi katil ke, dekat tepi cermin locker ke.. Sambil2 buat kerja tu boleh hafal sekali nak2 lagi formula Maths 😏 But nah I only use the notice board bcs I hate vandalism. Ok kidding.

7. Kalau tak faham dalam kelas, salin je

- Yep. Salin je. Yang penting stay focus, dengar apa lecturer cakap (even otak tengah blank waktu tu), catit je apa2 yang you think you need to know. Or kalau lecturer explain kat whiteboard, ha lagi senang salin je sebijik2 hahaha.

- Tak sia-sia pun salin walaupun tak faham. Serius cakap. Later when you try to understand the topic at home, your notes & all of the things yang korang dah salin tadi akan jadi sangat membantu 😁

8. Belajar melalui YouTube

- All of the YouTube account that I'm going to share are actually from someone on Earth, I don't even know who was it originally from because I got it from WhatsApp group and it was a forwarded message. Anyway, I want to thank that person very much for these 😄

For Physics :
1. Doc Schuster
2. Michael van Biezen
3. Yau-Jong Twu 
For Chemistry :
1. Boezman Science
2. Tyler Dewitt 
For Organic Chemistry :
1. Leah Fisch 
For Mathematics :
1. PatrickJMT
2. Khan Academy

- I actually had listened to some of it only but I recommend Michael van Biezen for Physics hehe. Oh! And for Khan Academy, you can also download the app on your phone if you want.

9. Record lecture

- I'd recommend this for those yang auditori punya learning style. One of my friend used to voice record Biology lecture all the time. Well you know Biology, subject yang memerlukan deep explanation from the lecturer (if not, bersedialah untuk ke laut). So later if you're unsure about certain topic, you can just hear the recording. Ataupun kalau tengah malas sangat, sambil baring atas katil pun boleh dengar! But I bet you wouldn't last for more than 10 minutes 😝

10. Letak phone jauh-jauh waktu study

- Yes yang ni sangat affect study kita. I can only bear for approximately 5 minutes before my hand started reaching out for my phone if it was around. Worst case scenario, I did it spontaneously! Tak tahulah kuasa magnet apa dekat phone tu tapi serius memang takleh study lama-lama kalau phone ada kat sebelah.

- Kalau korang jenis study sambil dengar lagu, then a bluetooth headphone / earphone would be super duper useful for you. I'd suggest headphone if you hate distraction while studying, so in case you have a very very talkative housemate, you could just pretend like you didn't hear them so you don't have to join the conversation HAHAHA that was a bit cruel of me but yeah, nanti kerja tak siap bukan housemate tanggung 😢

- I like listening to music while doing Maths. Tapi untuk subjek yang memerlukan pembacaan terutamanya Biology, better jangan dengar lagu la. Takleh betul-betul fokus serius cakap. My tips : Pause the music bila nak study subjek tu, then bila rasa ngantuk just play some, melalak-lalak sikit dekat balkoni bagi hilang ngantuk (this is my roommate punya style hahaha), then pause it again bila nak sambung study and the cycle repeats. That's why I'd recommend Bluetooth headphone so much 'cs you'd still be able to control the music walaupun phone duk jauh. I have a Bluedio headphone, by the way. Dah setahun lebih masih bertahan Alhamdulillah 😀

11. Do care about your carry marks

- During the 1st sem, I didn't really care about my carry marks 'cs I thought I'd be just fine if I did well on final exam. Turned out I only got to score an A- for a subject that I am expecting to get A. So I guess one of the reason is because of my low carry marks :')

- Please. Don't underestimate your carry marks. Daripada awal sem, quiz ke assignment ke test ke, buat betul-betul. Ha satu lagi lab report! It's a group work so ramai yang kadang acuh tak acuh je buat asalkan siap. Please don't. Menyesal nanti kalau tengok markah quiz assignment test semua tinggi alih-alih markah lab report macam em.. Nak main-main dalam lab time buat experiment main la, yang penting observation apa semua buat betul-betul, nak buat lab report bagi kerjasama.

Well that's all for now. Any inquiries, feel free to comment but if the comment section isn't enough for you, email me your phone number at and I'll get back to you 👌